Hey Team!
Might seem like a strange one but we love supporting small businesses and we all know how important but tricky blogging can be sometimes. We thought a couple of suggestions to get you on your blogging way might be useful.
Top 10
We love a top 5 or top 10 list. Be it sharing some of our favourite indie finds to sharing the best knits for the season. Taking inspiration from events that are happening around us such as key diary dates, seasons, trends etc are great starting points for a favourites list. We love discovering, so find top 5’s and top 10’s super engaging from other brands so why not start your own! Sharing is caring after all.
Using some of our own imagery alongside customer photos is such a fun way to show off how to style particular products in a variety of ways. Taking time to create simple product imagery helps to support what you are blogging about. Content creation also doesn’t have to be an expensive activity. Gathering props from home, seeking out a simple location and styling with fruit or flowers is such a good way to create still life scenes that include your products. Seeing something in situ also helps customers to visualise why they need to shop from you!
Behind The Scenes
Sharing your business stories and secrets may not be interesting to you anymore but we all love a nose so as much as you might be tired of hearing it, someone else may only be hearing it for the first time! We probably don’t do it enough but showing you what’s going on behind the scenes from the studio always gets such a great reaction. Whether it’s silly things like the LAD’s favourite mugs right now or a little sneak peek into a work in progress knit design it’s an opportunity to show the real face or faces behind the brand.
Similar to behind the scenes but is there something you can write about that is specialist to your company or showcases your skills? People are busy and they are more likely to seek out little treasures that can’t be found elsewhere. And as we said before, it might be the first time someone has found you so repeating things is never a problem! Maybe try a tutorial or step-by-step guide on how to create something or ideas on how to generate creative ideas for example. Giving away free knowledge will hopefully encourage customers to invest in your business.
Gift Guide
Really as the name suggests, why not try mixing in some of your own offerings alongside items from businesses with similar values or aesthetic to you. Support your fellow businesses with a shout out and link on your blog. An obvious one would be at Christmas but a gift guide could really be created at any time of year! Think Birthday’s, Galentines, Halloween etc. This concept could also then link into a top 5 or 10 maybe? Ooooh the possibilities…
Want to see more of something in particular on our blog or socials? We always love to hear from you so get in touch either by commenting on this post or via Instagram @laurenastondesignsstudio